Global Pentecostal Summit 2023 Branding Logo

Thank you for being a part of

“Voices Loud and Clear”

Global Pentecostal Summit 2023

A Heartfelt THANK YOU!

Sun and I are brimming with gratitude and reverence towards the Lord in the aftermath of the Global Pentecostal Summit 2023.

Beyond being a convergence of brilliant minds steeped in Pentecostal scholarship, the Summit also signified a distinctive fusion of thought-provoking theology and pragmatic ministry.

Above all, we express our gratitude for the palpable, life-transforming presence of God that saturated every academic presentation, worship session, creative demonstration, altar call, and moments of precious fellowship.

City Harvest Church feels privileged to have hosted GPS23, and we sincerely hope that you, too, have experienced blessings from this event!



Co-Founders/Senior Pastors
City Harvest Church, Singapore

Resources & Highlights

A Message From Our Moderator

Prof Douglas Petersen lays out the chronological history of the Global Pentecostal Summit,
and highlights the significance of GPS23 being hosted by a local church within the Majority World.

Prof Douglas Petersen

Summit Moderator
Scholar, Missionary, Social Theologian, Co-Editor of The Globalization of Pentecostalism:
A Religion Made to Travel

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Prof Byron Klaus

Summit Moderator
Scholar, Missionary, Past President of AGTS, Co-Editor of The Globalization of Pentecostalism:
A Religion Made to Travel

Prof Douglas Petersen

Summit Moderator
Scholar, Missionary, Social Theologian, Co-Editor of The Globalization of Pentecostalism:
A Religion Made to Travel

Prof Byron Klaus

Summit Moderator
Scholar, Missionary, Past President of AGTS, Co-Editor of The Globalization of Pentecostalism:
A Religion Made to Travel

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Rev Kong Hee

Senior Pastor,
City Harvest Church

Kong Hee is the senior pastor of City Harvest Church (CHC), which he co-founded with his wife Sun in 1989. CHC has an average weekly attendance of 23,868, with a collective membership of approximately 45,000, including all branch and affiliate churches. In 2012, CHC was one of the 10 global churches larger than America’s largest.1

In the late 1980s, Kong did church-planting work and served at the mission agency Christ for Asia in the Philippines. In 1994, Kong founded the School of Theology, which has since trained 8,284 individuals, empowering them, and releasing them in the power of the Spirit, into the mission fields of their schools, workplaces, and nations of the world. 

Kong and Sun co-founded the “Church Without Walls” (CWW) initiatives in 1996 and City Harvest Community Services Association (CHCSA) in 1997. Both ministries focus on helping underprivileged children, youth-at-risk, single parents, unwed mothers, the elderly, the intellectually disabled, the terminally ill, and migrant workers. In 2023, CWW assisted 9,632 individuals in need, while CHCSA supported 1,962 members of the community.

Kong is a spiritual son of the late Dr David Yonggi Cho, who pastored the world’s largest congregation. He earned his BSc in computer science and information systems from the National University of Singapore. He holds an MA in Theology from Vanguard University in the US and is currently working on his PhD under the supervision of Professor Frank Macchia. In 2008, he was conferred an honorary doctoral degree by Hansei University in South Korea.

Rev Sun Ho

Senior Pastor,
City Harvest Church

Sun Ho co-founded City Harvest Church (CHC) with Kong Hee in 1989. Married since 1992, they have a 19-year-old son, Dayan.

Together with Kong, they co-founded the “Church Without Walls” initiatives (1996) and City Harvest Community Services Association (1997), both of which assisted 11,594 individuals in need in 2023. In recognition of Sun’s humanitarian work among the poor and needy, particularly children, Sun received the “Outstanding Young Person of the World” Award from Junior Chamber International in 2003.

In addition to her humanitarian work, Sun was a pop singer, using music as a tool for evangelism in countries such as Taiwan, Indonesia, Malaysia, Sri Lanka, Haiti, and Honduras. In 2004, she was named “Ambassador of Love” by the Children and Youth Foundation of China for establishing schools among underprivileged kids. She was also appointed “Charity Ambassador of Love” for the Special Olympic World Summer Games in Shanghai in 2007 and served as the “Music Ambassador” for the 2008 Beijing Olympics Songfest.

Sun was ordained into the ministry by Dr David Yonggi Cho. Since 2010, she has been the chief executive officer of CHC, overseeing a congregation of 23,868 members and a collective membership of approximately 45,000, including all branch and affiliate churches. In 2012, CHC was one of the 10 global churches larger than America’s largest.1

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